
Benefits of Buying Baby Accessories Online

As a mother of a baby girl who lives in an internet era, you surely should have been familiar with the existence of internet. It has become a clear fact that internet has helped simplifying various kinds of tasks including shopping task. As you surely have known, when you have to shop at a local store or a local mall, you spend time, energy, and money to go to the store or mall in person. More time, energy, and money should be wasted if you are trapped in a traffic jam or if the first store you visit could not accommodate your needs.

Actually, internet helps saving your time, energy, and money. As in your attempt to buy white baby bloomers, you will be able to avoid traffic jam or a long queue in the check out if you buy the products online. This is highly possible because you shop from your home or from other comfortable places. You do not to wait a cashier to pay your products since you pay your products electronically. Also, you do not need to be confused about finding ways to bring your product home as your product will be delivered right into your door.

Further, the next benefit of buying baby accessories online is an opportunity to shop without leaving your baby at home with a babysitter or a relative. This opportunity is absolutely great as you can shop and take care of your baby at the same time. What you need to do to be able to shop online conveniently is to visit princessbowtique, one of popular baby accessories stores on internet, while your baby is sleeping. In this case, you can simply place your baby at your side so you can keep an eye on your baby while shopping. So, if you want to receive all of those shopping benefits, you had better shop online. 

Give Your Skin the Best Skin Firming Treatment

As a woman, having attractive physical performance is really crucial because an attractive physical performance can boost confidence. To have an attractive physical performance, most women pay huge attention to their skin. It has become a clear fact that skin condition plays a crucial role in making a physical performance attractive. Unfortunately, skin condition can change over time due to aging, pollution, and pregnancy. Firm skin that you had ten years ago probably now has become safgy or you now have many cellulites. These conditions surely make many women unhappy because they realize that saggy skin or cellulites give bad effects to their physical performance.

Fortunately, technology for skin treatment has been developing fast lately. Nowadays, there are many advanced technologies that can help improving skin condition. As if you have many cellulites, you can easily find an advanced technology for cellulite reduction. You just need to go to a local beauty clinic or an aesthetic center to get the treatment. However, before undergoing a certain skin treatment, you have to make sure that you give your skin the best skin treatment. This is really important to consider because the quality of the treatment gives significant influences not only to the quality of your skin but also to the quality of your health. This is possible because some skin treatments use chemicals.

To figure out whether your skin treatment is good for your skin and health, you previously should carry out a thorough research. In this case, you have to know to make sure that the technology, the procedure, and the substances can effectively improve your skin condition without promoting health risks. For this purpose, you can consider finding comprehensive information on internet or asking your doctor for advices. So, if you think that your skin needs a special treatment to keep it firm, you had better do a survey to find the best skin firming treatment.

Why Do Women Have To Choose Between These Two?

An Analogy: Combat Boots and High Heels

Combat Boots and High Heels 
Picture a triangle. On one side, we have a woman wearing a pair of combat boots. Their reinforced steel toes are solid, functional and blend in with their surroundings. We are strong, demanding and bottom liners. You know us by statements like: "If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy. And if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!" We are doers. It tends to be our way or the highway! We tend to be emotionally guarded and experienced by others as controlling and insensitive.

On the adjacent side of the triangle we have a woman wearing a pair of high heels. Heels are unmistakably feminine. Whether classic or trendy, nothing enhances a flowing, quiet and subtly confident demeanor like a pair of pumps. We are open, relatable and accommodating. We are genuinely soft-spoken and rather be taken care of. We prefer the significance that comes with being in relationship with others. Most find us hospitable and concerned about others. We're called the "girly girls." You know, the "pretty in pink" types.

For decades men and women have been sold and bought the idea that these two women are separate-as if they do not live in the same body. Women are forced to choose between either combat boots or heels-to be strong or to be vulnerable. On the one hand, circumstances have compelled her to be strong, fierce and detached. She unrelentingly provides for and protects her family.

Why Is It Important to Choose a Good Hairstyle?

Hairs are one of the most important parts of a human body which to an extent reflects the personality of the individual. However, most people tend to neglect their hair and instead concentrate on their face and physique. They feel that any hairstyle is fine as long as it does not make them look terrible. They might be right that most hairstyles might work out for them. But they do not realize that they are missing out the opportunity to enhance their beauty and personality by not selecting the appropriate hairstyle.

Here are some reasons why a person must select the appropriate hairstyle that would suit their face, hair as well as their personality:

1. Enhancing Personality and Beauty: The first and foremost reason to select a good hairstyle is because they can enhance their look and personality by using the right hairstyles. Why settle for an ordinary hairstyle if you can look better? In some cases, the childhood and adolescence hairstyle might be the best hairstyle for the person's face shape and hair quality. But it is not true in all cases. A lot of people have realized that there are other types of hairstyles which work out better for them though they might not have thought of it previously. If the person is an entertainment professional then a trendy and modern hairstyle might work out well. On the other hand, a professional hairstyle might suit office goers better. If the selection of the hairstyle is right then it would definitely add to his or her personality and might also help them in enhancing their personality.

Senior Women Do You Have Unrequited Skin Hunger?

You will be glad to know that serious research on the importance of touch has been done. It was discovered that the amount of skin-to-skin contact you have plays a crucial role in your happiness and vitality at all ages of your life. Touching actually has a direct bearing on your ability to form close relationships, deal with stress and pain, and to fight off disease.

Did you know Americans have the lowest physical touch frequency of any country in the world? When Americans hug, we pat each other on the back three times which appears to represent three words, "I'm done now"! America is starved for meaningful touch. I grant you people have been touched inappropriately but the political pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. Vulnerable young girls desperately craving physical touch may end up with unwanted pregnancies. They may have such skin hunger that they were not able to control it, and consequently it affects their judgment, and ultimately impacts the rest of their lives.

There is a huge difference in cultures around the world regarding physical touch. In Puerto Rico a couple touches 180+ times during an average two person lunch encounter. I didn't know that was even possible! Americans on the other hand limited themselves to only touching twice within an hour. Your skin hunger may show up as depression, anxiety, irritability, moodiness, and can definitely, make you feel very isolated and lonely.

Millenial Women Are The Independent Woman!

Most women of my generation and thereafter have been raised to be independent, self sufficient, and autonomous; not reliant on others for their own happiness, financial stability, & overall needs and wants in life! I have always prided myself on being a strong, intelligent, independent woman. I watched my role model and mentor, my mother, raise her two children alone. From watching her and my other role model/mentors throughout my life I have always been drawn to strong, self-sufficient women. I have always viewed the skills, character, and determination that they have with the deepest admiration and attempted to replicate such qualities in myself.

If you are an Independent Woman, you can't help but be her because that is you! However, you may have noticed that many embrace this woman, while others are threatened or intimidated by her. Such independence can cause challenges in some of our most important relationships; specifically our love relationships. For a woman, we feel it is the highest compliment to tell your mate I don't need you; I WANT you. Yet most men would rather want a woman to NEED him than want him. The situation seems to set us both up for conflict and challenges our core values.

Sexual Wellness As a Path to Freedom

Sexual Wellness as a path to freedom

My hope is that this phrase will make you stop and think. is this possible?

How does a healthy sex life give you a feeling of freedom?

First of all, let's define what is meant by sexual wellness or healthy sex. Sexual wellness is a return to the inner wisdom and truth about BEing a sexual person. It is a place that lives inside of you where you feel safe and have the power to enjoy sex without restraint, and have full permission to express your sexuality. This does not mean that you have to hang yourself upside down and create exotic gymnastics to have a fulfilling sexual experience. It actually has nothing to do with what is happening on the outside during sex. Sexual wellness is a quality of energy that pulses at a high vibration which results in vibrant health on the inside.

For every individual, the path to find sexual wellness is unique. No two orgasms look the same. You explore your personal inner most ecstatic feelings by allowing, receiving and surrendering to pleasure. Safety is the key.

Knowing you are safe is also an inside job. You experience safety when your body is very relaxed and your mind is easeful without stress and worries. How hard is this for you? According to current data, at least 60% of women are repressed sexually so I imagine many of you find it difficult to feel safe. BTW, the 60% statistic has also been noted to be low by many sexual experts. That's a WHOA Baby!

Grounded in the Midst of Chaos

Oh, the unnerving feeling of losing control. Don't cha just hate it?

I've interviewed scores of women who've shared that "losing it" is one of their biggest fears and most daunting obstacles.

Why does not being able to control our circumstances, surroundings, or responses of others cause us to fall apart at the seams and resort to all manner of unhealthy activities?

Eating not two but three pints of Cherry Garcia comes to mind as does the pervasive, soul-sapping "un-activity," procrastination. Sometimes we choose to stick our head in the sand and hope the situation will blow over.

And sometimes lack of control over one or two circumstances will lead to a feeling of lack of control over everything. In a flash our whole world, in our mind's eye anyway, turns upside down into one big ole chaotic mess.

I asked a friend and colleague of mine, Life Coach Joann Lim, why she thought lack of control is such a bugaboo for many women and why it can lead to an overall feeling of utter chaos. Joann said CHAOS = CHANGE. We often feel like our lives are out of control and chaotic when our status quo is disrupted, that is, when change of any kind takes place.

Hairstyles for 2012 for a Fashion Forward Lady

Glistening hair

Glistening hair, the most coveted one, doesn't just happen, no matter what your hair length or texture, you've to work for it! Do not expect it to happen overnight, you have to religiously follow certain steps to grow that beautiful and healthy glistening hair. The good part is that it is not hard it just requires discipline and patience.

You can use hair serum with light concentration of oils and silicone and apply it to the roots of the hair everyday. Leave it in your hair overnight for better results. To keep every strand of hair shinny and strong, go with hot hair oils. Cold rinse adds loads of luster to your hair. For that ultra shine go with professional hair treatments.

Bold colors

We all know and love Katy Perry, maybe not as mush for her music as it is for the constant change of her hairstyles with different color shades. She goes from pink, to light blue and green in a heart beat and looks fabulous in all these shades. Bold colors are big for this spring/summer season. The top of the color chart are the soft pink mixed with blond shades of orange. The contrast of bright and dark colors is the new look.

Don't Let Summer Sabotage Your Style

Summer is almost here and the warm weather probably has you peeling off your layers and pulling on your shorts. Yet as the temperatures rise and you begin to break a sweat while simply sitting on the porch, don't let your style suffer.

In many areas, warm weather can be synonymous with casual clothing. Just think about it - head to the beach and chances are your mode of dress barely consists of more than a tank top and shorts or a simple dress teamed with a pair of flip flops or thongs. Or if you're at home you may be wearing the exact same thing and wishing you were at the beach. It's summertime and the living' is easy. Yet don't let the more casual of seasons sabotage your style or your credibility. With a few tips you can tweak your chic while keeping your cool.

1. Business Casual does NOT mean Casual - There is a fine line between business casual and casual dress, and often times it can be confusing to know what's appropriate. Generally speaking, avoid anything that you'd wear to the beach or around the house such as flip-flops, logo tee shirts, sheer and voluminous dresses, jean shorts, tops and dresses that are strapless or have spaghetti straps, and shorts in general are no-no's when it comes to the workplace. Rule of thumb: if you're not sure, the answer is 'no'!

What Is Your Big Give?

Do you have something that you feel like you want to do big in the lives of others? Do you have a message that someone needs to hear? What contribution to humanity do you feel like you have been called to make?

Your big give is your unique gift that can change the lives of others, and the world. Your big give is your purpose...your assignment. It is that thing that only you can do. Have you ever felt like it is time for you to give bigger? Have you ever felt like you have amazing gifts and talents that you need to tap into, so that you can feel fulfilled?

When you think about what you have been blessed to give in a big way, it just makes you smile thinking of doing it. Your big give makes you feel joyful and rewarded knowing that you are making a difference. You have such great potential, and you deserve to tap into it. You deserve to wake up every day with a smile that is connected to your big give.

How to Make the Most of Couture Wedding Gowns

Nothing looks quite as elegant as couture wedding gowns when they come out just right. If planned and executed carefully and perfectly, a custom made dress can look and feel like the dress of your dreams! There are several ways to make sure your couture bridal dress looks great and makes you look even better!

Here are a few of the things that help make couture wedding gowns look the best that they can be!

Styles and Fabrics That Fit the Occasion

A comfortable bride is a beautiful bride, which is why it is necessary to make sure that the fabric and styles used in couture wedding gowns suit the season, occasion and location as much as possible. Obviously, if the wedding is to be held outdoors in the summertime, it makes no sense to buy a heavy wedding dress with heavy fabrics that will be quite uncomfortable in hot weather. On the other hand, it is equally uncomfortable to be wearing cotton, gauzy, lightweight gowns in the middle of a cold snap. Be practical.


Lace or embroidery? Seed pearls or rhinestones? How about sequins? Boning? Petticoats? Silk flowers? Hand beading? These are the details that add to the magic of the designs - but only when done right. Too little, and they're of no help, while too much is just tacky. A good designer will help you decide on just the right amount of detailing added at just the right places to flatter you most.

The Fear of Becoming an Invisible Woman Once You Turn 40

Is invisibility the only choice for women over 40?

In a recent article in my weekend paper about women over 40, one particular participant was bemoaning the fact that she was now invisible to younger men. She was sharing one of the greatest fears of baby-boomer women. It is the fear of losing your attraction to others. Whether it is your size or what you are wearing, many women feel unnoticed and bypassed both in their professional and personal life.

Here are two questions for you to consider? Who are you dressing for? What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Read on for my views on whether invisibility is the only option for business and professional women over 40.

Is Invisibility the Only Choice? Yes!

Invisibility is the only option if you choose to take that option. If you decide to retreat from contact from others, wear dowdy clothes, slouch and look unhappy, you will be invisible to everyone and not just young men.

The Secret Lives of Your Clothes

With tears streaming down my face, a bundle under my arm and a box of matches in my pocket, I headed towards our backyard incinerator hoping mum would not see me. I did not want to be asked what I was doing.

Clothes are more than pieces of fabric hanging in our wardrobes. They all have stories. Stand before your open wardrobe and you could tell each item's story whether it be love, hate, embarrassment, shame or indifference.

Recently I read an article on How Clothes Can Boost Your Mood. This article talked about the things we women demand from out clothes. It also resonated with me as I have written about how hard it is to get rid of some clothes that bring up strong emotions in us.

Here is my guide to the good, the bad and the ugly of the secret lives of your clothes.

The Good

These are often favourites in our wardrobe because every time you put them on you feel good about yourself. They may be clothes or accessories and you wear them often. It might be the colour, the style, the fit, that it reflects your true personality or even all of these. Sometimes when these clothes start to fade or get a little worn, you still keep them. You are reluctant to throw out the memories of compliments and scared that you will never find anything like it again.

5 Simple School Fundraising Ideas

School spirit is more vivid with fundraising. To support a particular group, occasion, or campaign, schools and other non-profit organizations use successful fundraising events to keep the finances flowing.

Most of school fundraising helps varsity teams' subsidize uniforms and equipment. Provide better health care services for students as well as construction of important facilities of the school. The fund used in these improvements usually comes from parents and alumni funds.

Here are five simple tips that can make your school fundraising extra lucrative.

Art pieces

You can sell or set an auction for art pieces made by famous local artists. If you know someone from your school that is having a name in the art scene, you can invite him over together with his pieces to help raise funds and popularity at the same time.


Most of handicrafts are made out of recycled and cheap materials but once done and sold, can actually cost more. You can invite groups that specialize on handicraft making. Or, those moms that are not busy can give their time to the event as well. They will surely be happy to help their children and school with this type of project.

How to Use Red, Yellow and Blue to Boost Your Emotions, Your Business and Your Natural Beauty

Colour is all around us. It would be very boring if we lived only in a black and white world. Colour adds interest, excitement, relaxation and individuality to our lives.

It is a visual language that we all respond to. Not everyone has learnt to tap into the unspoken emotional power of colour. When you travel or look at images from other parts of the world, it is interesting to let go of your learned responses and notice how other cultures and environments interpret the meaning of the same colours.

Red, yellow and blue are the basis from which all the colours are created. They are called the primary colours. On a colour wheel which usually contains twelve colours, the primary colours are evenly spaced - four apart.

Every colour has both positive and negative emotions and perceptions attached to it.

Here is my short guide to help you use the western world's view of primary colours to boost your emotions, your business and your natural beauty.

My Life As A Red Head

This is a story about my life as a RED head with a few little myths and facts thrown in for good measure. I used to hate my RED hair and to be honest it has taken a few years for me to embrace my RED curls.

Society can be quite cruel to a shy, clumsy, fair-skinned, RED Haired, blue-eyed little girl... but ooh how things have changed! STICKS and STONES may break my bones but names will never hurt me....Some names that I've been called are:
  • RED head.
  • Carrot top.
  • Ginger.
  • Annie.
  • Anne of Green Gables.
  • Blue.
  • Nicole.
  • Ginger
  • Does the carpet match the curtains.
  • You must be a witch with that hair.
  • Don't upset her or she will explode
  • OH RED head = bad temper
  • You must have eaten too many carrots

THE FACT IS, that throughout history RED heads have been, ridiculed, loathed, hated and even hunted... fast forward to modern times and, RED HEADS seem to be quite fashionable and even admired these days, as seen gracing the Hollywood screens as movie goddesses and hitting the international modelling runways.

Prenatal Fitness Programmes Keep Mums in Shape

You've just found out that you are going to have a baby. Yippee! "I will take more care of myself, stop smoking, stop drinking, eat for two and lie around all day looking after me". Stop right there! Certainly, stop smoking forever, stop drinking and eat really healthily, including lots of protein, fruit and vegetables but you actually need to up your exercise regime if you want a healthy baby and if you want to be fit and well through the pregnancy and if you want your figure back after the birth.

Keeping fit during pregnancy will help your body through this time and will prepare you for childbirth. It will also help tremendously in your recovery after childbirth. By doing simple fitness exercises, strengthening exercises and components of pilates and yoga, you will stay fit and healthy through the entire nine months and you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you bounce back after the birth of your baby.

Your prenatal fitness programme should be designed by pregnancy experts who will explain that getting your exercise when you are pregnant is extremely important in terms of taking care of your baby as well as yourself. Did you know that pre-natal exercises actually strengthen your baby's heart? Not only that, as we all know, exercising at all ages, prenatal through to old age increases IQ and cognitive abilities so if you exercise when you are pregnant you can substantially increase your baby's IQ and yours at the same time! Everybody wins.

How to Use the Colours of Black, White and Grey to Add Interest and Diversity of Your Life

Most of us would hate to live in a world that is only black and white and shades of grey. We need colours that are pure, strong, rich, muted, soft, cool and warm to give our lives the richness and diversity we enjoy. Without black, white and grey, all the colour variations we enjoy would not be possible.

Black and white are usually considered to be non-colours although black is the absence of colour and white is made up of all the colours. Grey, of course, is the mixing of black with white.

Every colour has both positive and negative emotions and perceptions attached to it and black, white and grey are no exception.

Here is my short guide to help you use the western world's view of black, white and grey to add richness and diversity to your life.

How to Use Orange, Purple and Green to Strengthen Your Words, Actions and Natural Colouring

The world would be a boring place without colour. Most of us are visual and we instantly judge people and places through the colours we see on. Our language is full of colour words which we use to vividly describe our feelings on everything that is happening in our lives.

Colour can invoke feelings of happiness like the colours of a festival; prejudice like the different skin colour of someone we meet or daydreaming like the colours of a favourite holiday place.

Green, orange and purple are called secondary colours. They are the colours made up from two primary colours either side of them. Red and yellow create orange, red and blue create purple and blue and yellow create green.

Every colour has both positive and negative emotions and perceptions attached to it.

Here is my short guide to help you use the western world's view of secondary colours to strengthen your words, actions and natural colouring.

How to Find Model Agencies

Searching for Model Agencies

Agencies find models work by seeking and negotiating with prospective clients. Most model agencies are smaller businesses that are run by industry veterans - they hire agents who in fact interface among a model and the customers he or she works for. Each agent could have multiple models he/she might manage. This assures them of having a certain type of model a client might be looking for.

What Size Agency Are You Searching For?

In addition to the smaller agencies, you will find there are several famous giants in the organization. Ford Models and IMG Models are just a couple of the top agencies on the planet. From Christy Turlington to Kate Moss, they've managed many models and supermodels.

Here are a few hints how to find model agencies that can help you kick off your career.

* Locate an agency in the fashion capitals around the globe. Locations like Milan, Paris, New York, London, L.A,Tokyo, Rome and so on have a lot of fashion agencies and fashion creative designers who need your services. If you're not a runaway or a fashion model, you might find agencies in fairly smaller locations as well.

Soldering Jump Rings for Use in Handmade Jewellery

Jump rings are used in handmade jewellery frequently. They are simply wire which is semi-precious or precious metal, wrapped tightly around a mandrel and sawn either by hand or by an electrical saw. The result is a perfect circle.

They can be soldered on to bezel cups for displaying cabochons, attaching watch straps or forming part of the end of a chain. The list is endless and jump rings are the most versatile item in handmade jewellery. In Chainmaille jewellery, jump rings are linked together to form different patterns. Byzantine is the most common weave in the U.K. but there are many different designs. The European 4 - 1 was supposedly the weave which was used in chainmaille armour used initially by the Celts over 2000 years ago.

In chainmaille jewellery it is not common to solder the jump rings but pieces which are likely to be subject to extra strain it is provides extra strength. l solder the rings around the ring and toggle clasps on bracelets and in the lobster clasps for necklaces.