
The Secret Lives of Your Clothes

With tears streaming down my face, a bundle under my arm and a box of matches in my pocket, I headed towards our backyard incinerator hoping mum would not see me. I did not want to be asked what I was doing.

Clothes are more than pieces of fabric hanging in our wardrobes. They all have stories. Stand before your open wardrobe and you could tell each item's story whether it be love, hate, embarrassment, shame or indifference.

Recently I read an article on How Clothes Can Boost Your Mood. This article talked about the things we women demand from out clothes. It also resonated with me as I have written about how hard it is to get rid of some clothes that bring up strong emotions in us.

Here is my guide to the good, the bad and the ugly of the secret lives of your clothes.

The Good

These are often favourites in our wardrobe because every time you put them on you feel good about yourself. They may be clothes or accessories and you wear them often. It might be the colour, the style, the fit, that it reflects your true personality or even all of these. Sometimes when these clothes start to fade or get a little worn, you still keep them. You are reluctant to throw out the memories of compliments and scared that you will never find anything like it again.

5 Simple School Fundraising Ideas

School spirit is more vivid with fundraising. To support a particular group, occasion, or campaign, schools and other non-profit organizations use successful fundraising events to keep the finances flowing.

Most of school fundraising helps varsity teams' subsidize uniforms and equipment. Provide better health care services for students as well as construction of important facilities of the school. The fund used in these improvements usually comes from parents and alumni funds.

Here are five simple tips that can make your school fundraising extra lucrative.

Art pieces

You can sell or set an auction for art pieces made by famous local artists. If you know someone from your school that is having a name in the art scene, you can invite him over together with his pieces to help raise funds and popularity at the same time.


Most of handicrafts are made out of recycled and cheap materials but once done and sold, can actually cost more. You can invite groups that specialize on handicraft making. Or, those moms that are not busy can give their time to the event as well. They will surely be happy to help their children and school with this type of project.

How to Use Red, Yellow and Blue to Boost Your Emotions, Your Business and Your Natural Beauty

Colour is all around us. It would be very boring if we lived only in a black and white world. Colour adds interest, excitement, relaxation and individuality to our lives.

It is a visual language that we all respond to. Not everyone has learnt to tap into the unspoken emotional power of colour. When you travel or look at images from other parts of the world, it is interesting to let go of your learned responses and notice how other cultures and environments interpret the meaning of the same colours.

Red, yellow and blue are the basis from which all the colours are created. They are called the primary colours. On a colour wheel which usually contains twelve colours, the primary colours are evenly spaced - four apart.

Every colour has both positive and negative emotions and perceptions attached to it.

Here is my short guide to help you use the western world's view of primary colours to boost your emotions, your business and your natural beauty.

My Life As A Red Head

This is a story about my life as a RED head with a few little myths and facts thrown in for good measure. I used to hate my RED hair and to be honest it has taken a few years for me to embrace my RED curls.

Society can be quite cruel to a shy, clumsy, fair-skinned, RED Haired, blue-eyed little girl... but ooh how things have changed! STICKS and STONES may break my bones but names will never hurt me....Some names that I've been called are:
  • RED head.
  • Carrot top.
  • Ginger.
  • Annie.
  • Anne of Green Gables.
  • Blue.
  • Nicole.
  • Ginger
  • Does the carpet match the curtains.
  • You must be a witch with that hair.
  • Don't upset her or she will explode
  • OH RED head = bad temper
  • You must have eaten too many carrots

THE FACT IS, that throughout history RED heads have been, ridiculed, loathed, hated and even hunted... fast forward to modern times and, RED HEADS seem to be quite fashionable and even admired these days, as seen gracing the Hollywood screens as movie goddesses and hitting the international modelling runways.

Prenatal Fitness Programmes Keep Mums in Shape

You've just found out that you are going to have a baby. Yippee! "I will take more care of myself, stop smoking, stop drinking, eat for two and lie around all day looking after me". Stop right there! Certainly, stop smoking forever, stop drinking and eat really healthily, including lots of protein, fruit and vegetables but you actually need to up your exercise regime if you want a healthy baby and if you want to be fit and well through the pregnancy and if you want your figure back after the birth.

Keeping fit during pregnancy will help your body through this time and will prepare you for childbirth. It will also help tremendously in your recovery after childbirth. By doing simple fitness exercises, strengthening exercises and components of pilates and yoga, you will stay fit and healthy through the entire nine months and you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you bounce back after the birth of your baby.

Your prenatal fitness programme should be designed by pregnancy experts who will explain that getting your exercise when you are pregnant is extremely important in terms of taking care of your baby as well as yourself. Did you know that pre-natal exercises actually strengthen your baby's heart? Not only that, as we all know, exercising at all ages, prenatal through to old age increases IQ and cognitive abilities so if you exercise when you are pregnant you can substantially increase your baby's IQ and yours at the same time! Everybody wins.

How to Use the Colours of Black, White and Grey to Add Interest and Diversity of Your Life

Most of us would hate to live in a world that is only black and white and shades of grey. We need colours that are pure, strong, rich, muted, soft, cool and warm to give our lives the richness and diversity we enjoy. Without black, white and grey, all the colour variations we enjoy would not be possible.

Black and white are usually considered to be non-colours although black is the absence of colour and white is made up of all the colours. Grey, of course, is the mixing of black with white.

Every colour has both positive and negative emotions and perceptions attached to it and black, white and grey are no exception.

Here is my short guide to help you use the western world's view of black, white and grey to add richness and diversity to your life.