An Analogy: Combat Boots and High Heels
Combat Boots and High Heels
Picture a triangle. On one side, we have a woman wearing a pair of combat boots. Their reinforced steel toes are solid, functional and blend in with their surroundings. We are strong, demanding and bottom liners. You know us by statements like: "If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy. And if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!" We are doers. It tends to be our way or the highway! We tend to be emotionally guarded and experienced by others as controlling and insensitive.
On the adjacent side of the triangle we have a woman wearing a pair of high heels. Heels are unmistakably feminine. Whether classic or trendy, nothing enhances a flowing, quiet and subtly confident demeanor like a pair of pumps. We are open, relatable and accommodating. We are genuinely soft-spoken and rather be taken care of. We prefer the significance that comes with being in relationship with others. Most find us hospitable and concerned about others. We're called the "girly girls." You know, the "pretty in pink" types.
For decades men and women have been sold and bought the idea that these two women are separate-as if they do not live in the same body. Women are forced to choose between either combat boots or heels-to be strong or to be vulnerable. On the one hand, circumstances have compelled her to be strong, fierce and detached. She unrelentingly provides for and protects her family.